Acupuncture Las Vegas

Browsing Archive: December, 2015

Treating Children with Chronic Pain

Posted by Huiwen Zhang on Saturday, December 19, 2015,
Acupuncture has many tangible benefits that have been proven through multiple studies.  A recent study, conducted by Rush University Medical Center showed that acupuncture can actually help alleviate pain for children ages 7 to 20 who suffer from chronic pain.  This is particularly useful in that this sort of treatment provides an all natural way for pain relief.  This all natural way is especially important for children because of how easily it is to alter a child's growth and with Western m...
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About Me

Dr. Huiwen Zhang, OMD, LAc, graduated from Guangzhou University of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine-- 5 year program) and has six years of physician experience with Shantou City Central Hospital. In Oriental Medicine, she has had over 30 years of experience. Dr. Zhang's been successfully running her own business in Oriental Medicine in Las Vegas, Nevada since 1995 and is continuing to provide the best treatments she can to this day. She has helped hundreds of patients resolve their problems through all natural means so that they no longer rely on the usage of pain killers and synthetic drugs.